Caitlyn had this cake made for the party, it was the cutest ever.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tadd's Fire School Graduation
Uncle Taddow graduated from the Utah Fire Academy. Way to go we are so proud of all your hard work. He's officially a firefighter! The boys were so excited about their "fire shirts" that uncle Tadd got for them. Crew asks to wear it almost every day.

The boys were so excited to see Tadd's yellow firetruck he worked on. Crew asks me every day if he can go see it again.
Caitlyn had this cake made for the party, it was the cutest ever.
Caitlyn had this cake made for the party, it was the cutest ever.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Rainy Friday
What to do on a rainy cold Friday. We went to the Bean Museum only to find nearly a million people so we headed over to the BYU Art museum and walked around. Crew kept saying "can we go look at something fun now" it made me laugh, so then we picked up grandma Sue from work and went to lunch. It turned out to be an enjoyable morning!

Saturday, April 17, 2010
Baby Lyla
Poor Lyla had to stay the night at the hospital to do more tests for reflux, apnea and some other things. She didn't enjoy at all the tubes and wires down her throat. The tests didn't show much of anything which is good and bad because we still don't know anything more, but this past week has been the best so far without any real stop breating episodes. Let's cross our fingers, maybe she's outgrowing it, or the medication is working better, either way we're not complaining!

Her appts with the cardiologist, not her favorite time, but the nurse gave her a binki for the first time at her appt a few weeks ago to calm her down and she really liked it.

One good thing about the hospital test findings, we got to get rid of this compressed air machine, they said she didn't need to be on it anymore. Hooray!
She's wearing a big girl outfit. She's still such a little peanut only weighing 7lbs. 9oz. Her heart works so hard while she eats that she is burning more calories eating than are in her formula. A little weight at a time is good though, even if it's very slow. They want her to be 10-12lbs when she has her surgery in a couple of months, we've got a ways to go.


Monday, April 12, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Easter Festivities
Friday, April 9, 2010
DeMar's Easter Party
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Swimming and Easter Hunt
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
IFA chicks and bunnies
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Primary Children's Hospital Stay
After spending the week in the hospital i'm not sure we have any real firm answers. They ran a bunch of tests and decided that she needed to come home on pressurized air to keep her airways stimulated to stay open so she keeps breathing. She can't have any extra oxygen because of her heart condition and her over-circulating too much blood to her lungs already which is what they would treat a couple of the problems with so it is a fine line between trying to get her to grow big enough to be ready for the surgery and keeping her problems from her condition to a minimum until then. She has had a couple of her breating episodes since we've been home which is scary but we are going to have to get used to that a little I guess. We're just watching her and meeting with doctors regularly and taking it day by day. It breaks your heart to watch your children struggle, she is just too sweet I wish she didn't have to deal with this until she has her surgery. I can't thank our family enough for taking over watching the kids at home so we could be with her and for sitting at the hospital holding her so we could have little breaks to go home to the kids for a bit. We are so lucky to have the greatest family and appreciate all the help and support more than words can explain!

All hooked up and ready to go home! Hooray! The machine she is on has to be plugged in the wall, not very portable at all and very loud so we're stuck at home for a while or somewhere that has a plug and doesn't mind the loud constant noise.

All hooked up and ready to go home! Hooray! The machine she is on has to be plugged in the wall, not very portable at all and very loud so we're stuck at home for a while or somewhere that has a plug and doesn't mind the loud constant noise.
Primary Children's Hospital Stay
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Scary Moments
Last Saturday afternoon Lyla decided to give us a scare and stop breathing. The girls were all at my mom's just sitting around talking and the guys were gone shooting when it happened. After a few minutes of struggling and not breathing we had to call 911, Lacey talked to them on the phone and thankfully was pretty calm because I definitely wasn't. Thanks to the paramedics for getting there very quickly to help us, they were great! We took her down to UVRMC but they decided she had to be transported to Primary Children's by ambulance. Chris by that time met us at the hospital and rode with her in the ambulance while we followed behind. She looked so tiny and helpless in her carseat on the big stretcher.

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