After spending the week in the hospital i'm not sure we have any real firm answers. They ran a bunch of tests and decided that she needed to come home on pressurized air to keep her airways stimulated to stay open so she keeps breathing. She can't have any extra oxygen because of her heart condition and her over-circulating too much blood to her lungs already which is what they would treat a couple of the problems with so it is a fine line between trying to get her to grow big enough to be ready for the surgery and keeping her problems from her condition to a minimum until then. She has had a couple of her breating episodes since we've been home which is scary but we are going to have to get used to that a little I guess. We're just watching her and meeting with doctors regularly and taking it day by day. It breaks your heart to watch your children struggle, she is just too sweet I wish she didn't have to deal with this until she has her surgery. I can't thank our family enough for taking over watching the kids at home so we could be with her and for sitting at the hospital holding her so we could have little breaks to go home to the kids for a bit. We are so lucky to have the greatest family and appreciate all the help and support more than words can explain!


Kyra and Adrie made these cute signs they sent up for her! We put them in her bed!

KSL radio brought by this moose for her as a donation to all the pateints. It was funny that it is at least four times her size, but very thoughtful and kind.
All hooked up and ready to go home! Hooray! The machine she is on has to be plugged in the wall, not very portable at all and very loud so we're stuck at home for a while or somewhere that has a plug and doesn't mind the loud constant noise.
She is just adorable and has already changed so much since I last saw her. It looks like she keeps her eyes open a little bit more now. I am glad she is home. I love the pictures of the boys in the bathroom. That is just great, made me laugh so hard.
Thanks for sharing your story - she is just as beautiful as your other beautiful kids! You and Chris are doing a great job.
She is adorable. Congratulations! Good luck with her up and coming surgery. She'll do great...she has you as parents. :)
you have done some good catching up on the blog lately. I am glad you are sharing these stories on here. She looked so tiny and helpless on that stretcher...I am glad she is home with you, although I did enjoy getting to sit with her at the hospital those few days! I feel a special bond with her! She is so sweet and adorable and after witnessing the one episode on sat, I can only imagine how hard it is for you to watch her struggle! You and Chris are holding it all together very well! I love the pic of her next to the moose and the girls will love seeing their pictures in her bed!
On another note...the water mess in the bathroom....HYSTERICAL, at least for me who didn't have to clean it up!!
so glad shes home! I am coming down next week to see this little angel:)
I'm so sorry to hear about all the struggles poor litle Lyla's had to go through. She's so lucky to have been blessed with such amazing parents like you and Chris.
Tysen she is adorable. I love her already....I have been wanting to come and see you :) I know you have been super busy and we have been praying for you and your family. I can't believe what the boys did...oh my.... lol
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