Thursday, May 13, 2010
Surgery #1 for Lyla
Last Monday Lyla saw the ENT Dr at Primary Children's where they put a camera down her throat and found she had Lorengomalasia, which is a bunch of extra floppy tissue that grew in the her throat. They called me on Wednesday, talked to the cardiologist and wanted to do surgery that Friday so there we were. The tissue was collapsing in her throat causing it to close off her airway so they are hoping this might help or solve her stopping breathing and choaking issues. We'll cross our fingers maybe they have found a solution this time. I was of course nervous about the surgery and her being so little. The hugs and kisses part and handing her over is the worst, but I know our Heavenly Father is watching over her. Our pediatrician, who is so so great, when she was first having breathing issues told me to pray every night that an angel be by her bedside to watch over her while we can't, and I have and I know that she is watched over and protected when I can't look at her every second even though I wake up constantly during the night to reach over and feel her chest and make sure she's breathing ok. It was a very long hour waiting until the dr came out (I don't even know how I am going to do her 5-6 hr open heart surgery, I am going to be a mess) but she did great and stayed in the NICU for a couple of days and got to come home on Mother's Day afternoon, so that was great! She's doing pretty well now, just having a few issues recovering because of her heart but I think she's on the mend.
She looked so little in her hospital surgery attire.

Every day she had a new little bow in her hair and the nurses asked me if I put it there to which I responded no, someone here did, but they always act surprised about where it came from. Same thing happened when she was born and last time she was in the hospital. It's weird, there must be a bow fairy that sneaks around in the night and puts them on? It's a mystery I guess to everyone there too.
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Tysen! Wow, lots has been going on over there. You and your family are in my prayers every night. I love the tutu pictures!
My heart goes out to you Tysen! Hard to even imagine what you are going through! We will keep your family in our prayers. Hope little Lyla continues to get better. She is so beautiful! Hang in there!!
So good to hear that the surgery went well. Hang in there--you've got an angel!! We'll keep you in our prayers!
Wow Tysen, I had no idea. I am so glad the surgery went well. When you described what they found in her throat, it only makes sense that it would be the cause of her breathing and choking problems. It sounds like you have a wonderful doctor. I love the picture of her in the hospital with the bow in her hair, what a cutie.
Ok I was crying reading the part about what your pediatrician told you! That is exactly right! And I know that these little ones have LOTS of angels around them! Lyla looks SOOO stinkin cute in her hospital attire!!
Tysen-Glad surgery went well. I am sure there is an angel watching over her. She is beautiful!
I'm so glad it went well! My thoughts and prayers are with you all the time sorry I've been such a horrible friend, i'll try to do better!
tysen your such a brave mom! I am so glad that things went well:) I LOVE the angel story we have an angel that lives at our house too for the very same reason. We cant be everywhere all of the time.
Tysen I think about you all the time. as exhausting as a new baby is I can't imagine how the extra added stress and lack of sleep must be. Hang in there we're praying for you and your sweet little Lyla
I had no guys are amazing! We think of you often. Your family is just adorable!
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