Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hotel fun

The kids came up over the weekend and stayed with us at the hotel next to the hospital and we traded going back and forth being with Lyla. They were in heaven, they thought the hotel was the funnest thing ever. I realized we haven't been anywhere staying in a hotel with them since they were all born, so they thought it was the greatest. Ava asked if we could stay at least five nights and wondered when we had to go back home to our house in uath. It was funny they thought we were in a completely different world. They each wanted their credit card (room key) and loved opening doors, getting ice, pushing buttons in the elevators etc. The little things that excite them!

The boys thought the "play phone" was great. Luckily they didn't put an of the right numbers together to call anyone.

They loved throwing pennies into the wish ponds and they thought the colored painted horse outside of the hospital was the best.

There is a big glass hanging chandelier thing when you walk in and Ava said it looked like ramen noodles. I guess she was right, it sort of did.

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