Lyla has the craziest, whispy, thin hair so it was time for a haircut. She had a little trim when she was brand new but the top had grown in so long and weird.

Thanks to aunt Caitlyn the horrible comb-over is now gone!

Lacey put the whole top in a ponytail which stuck straight up, it looked ridiculous, we were all laughing.

So much better now! Hooray!
Oh, she could not be any more precious! Love the haircut...way to be brave. It drives me crazy when moms leave their kids hair long and uneven FOREVER because they just can't bare to cut it off. Spare me! Why should our kids have to look ridiculous just because we have some weird attachment to their baby hair? Believe me, you've done the right thing, she is ADORABLE! As are your other kids by the them.
Oh my goodness!! She is getting so big!! She's so beautiful. Glad she has done so well.
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