Deep fried crab, shrimp, lobster, french fries, onion rings, oreos
Team Cobra's and Pantyhose (Cobra's take victory)
Caitlyn exploding the soda machine all over herself,
Kyra laughing so hard she couldn't even tell the story
Frozen icy Martinelli's at midnight
Crew asking to do the fishpond for two hours straight non-stop
Good company, Fun evening!

Grandma did the fish-pond for the kids, they love fishing for little treasures!

The Candy Bar Game!

Lyla decided to wake up just before midnight to join in the celebration and stayed up until 2:30am before I could get her back to sleep. I think she thought she had just had a small nap. But she was all smiles for the new year regardless!

Bree wanted to introduce Lyla to the ipad starting young since it's her favorite thing!

Every New Year's Eve growing up we had a big sleepover at Grandma's and left nylon socks strung around the family room for Santa's helpers to come leave treats in so we decided to keep up with tradition and try it. Sure enough, Santa's helpers found us and left some yummy snacks.
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